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The Geological Heritage of County Cork Geological Heritage of County CorkThe audit of County Geological Sites in County Cork was completed in 2023. The audit was carried out by Ronan Hennessy, Robert Meehan, Vincent Gallagher and Clare Glanville. The Cork Geological Heritage Project was supported by Geological Survey Ireland, Cork County Council and The Heritage Council.2024-05-08T23:00:00Z
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Investigating the relationship between Tellus topsoil geochemical and airborne radiometric measurements of potassium, uranium and thorium,-urani.aspxInvestigating the relationship between Tellus topsoil geochemical and airborne radiometric measurements of potassium, uranium and thoriumThis dissertation investigates the relationship between Tellus topsoil geochemical and airborne radiometric measurements 2022-04-28T23:00:00Z