From the 10th - 12th of October, 2023, Geological Survey Ireland will be hosting a number of geothermal events, including a workshop and geothermal field trip.
Geothermal week 2023 will be centred around the second National Geothermal Energy Summit, which will be on the 11th of October, hosted at TU Dublin's Grangegorman Campus.
The event will bring together a diverse, multi-disciplinary group for a series of panels on the latest developments in Irish geothermal energy.
Ireland has the potential geothermal resources to assist in the decarbonisation of the heating sector, but they are underdeveloped at present. Improved understanding of what lies beneath the surface of Ireland, and the development of new technologies, will make it possible to harvest natural heat, and clear a pathway to secure and clean energy systems.
The summit will create space for people from the worlds of policy, industry and research to discuss the vision for the future of geothermal energy in Ireland.

Invited speakers will explore the following themes:
Irelands new Geothermal Policy statement, which you can access here.
District Heating and Geothermal Energy.
Decarbonising public sector spaces with Geothermal Heat.
Geothermal Energy and the Just Transition
These events are invitation-only. Presentations will be made available on this website after Geothermal Week.