Geological Survey Ireland is involved in a range of actions listed in the Climate Action Plan 2021
These include:
Complete the mapping of all Irish offshore waters through the INFOMAR Programme to support all marine activities including climate effect monitoring and site selection for offshore energy.
Research & development- Soil Tellus Soil Sampling Programme (National Geological, Geophysical & Geochemical Programme of GSI).
Research & development-Peat Thickness - Tellus Programme (National Geological, Geophysical & Geochemical Programme of GSI).
Groundwater Flooding
Build on Groundwater Flood Mapping delivered by GSI.
Groundwater Monitoring
Expand the groundwater monitoring network for analysis of climate change effects.
Supporting the Just Transition
Investigation and Evaluation of Potential Geological Resources in the Midlands
Geological Survey Ireland will carry out a range of investigations and evaluate the geological potential of the Midlands, including producing a map and report outlining available resources and potential associated management considerations. It will also evaluate the possibility for communities and local economies to use resources, such as groundwater or geothermal energy, as part of the just transition, including assessing the feasibility of such use.
Geothermal Heating
In 2020, we published 'Geothermal Energy in Ireland – A Roadmap for a Policy and Regulatory Framework', and 'An Assessment of Geothermal Energy for District Heating in Ireland'. In conjunction with the National Heat Study, this analysis will also inform the development of geothermal energy in Ireland, in particular identifying locations most suited to the deployment of district heating.
Maintain and further develop national landslide mapping related to climate change and land use.
Adaptation/ Coastal
Develop and publish coastal vulnerability mapping and coastal erosion databases for the east and south coasts of Ireland
Projected increases in sea levels and storm surge will result in increased frequency of coastal flooding and erosion, with significant impacts for coastal and heritage sites situated in proximity to the coast and on estuaries. (This is the specific theme of the CHERISH InterREg Project).
Minerals and the Circular Economy
Minerals have a critical role to play in realising the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy. The circular economy concept advocates a significantly reduced primary resource extraction (i.e. mining of primary metals and minerals) in favour of secondary material (recycled metals and minerals) flowing through internal loops. However, even such a circular system may still need raw materials to facilitate the green economy.
This need and the Action on a new Minerals Policy is supported by Geological Survey Ireland data and research.
National research Supporting Climate Action
Geoscience is one of the listed areas for targeted research in support of climate action and this will include work carried out by Geological Survey Ireland, as well as research we fund and research utilising our data.
In addition Geological Survey Ireland programmes supports many of the actions related to Decarbonisation of the Public Sector, infrastructure development, the Built Environment and Transport, through our subsurface data and mapping, onshore and offshore.