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Natural Hazards



The Geological Heritage of County Cork Geological Heritage of County CorkThe audit of County Geological Sites in County Cork was completed in 2023. The audit was carried out by Ronan Hennessy, Robert Meehan, Vincent Gallagher and Clare Glanville. The Cork Geological Heritage Project was supported by Geological Survey Ireland, Cork County Council and The Heritage Council.08/05/2024 23:00:00
New release of nationwide geotechnical Products release of nationwide geotechnical ProductsThis data is a product from the National Geotechnical Borehole Database, Geological Mapping sampling and TII site investigation data. Each report has been checked and the test were extracted and saved in individual files. The data can be downloaded from here 23:00:00
New paper in journal Sustainability’s-Sustainable-Urban-Future.aspxNew paper in journal SustainabilitySophie O'Connor has contributed with the Urban Geology Expert Group (UGEG) from the EGS in the paper "Geoscience for Cities: Delivering Europe’s Sustainable Urban Future" 22/03/2024 00:00:00
Geoscience for Leaving Certificate Geography CPD Programme Resource Booklet for Leaving Certificate Geography CPD Programme Resource BookletGeological Survey Ireland and iCRAG and proud to announce the launch of the Geoscience for Leaving Certificate Geography CPD Programme Resource Booklet.26/04/2022 23:00:00
PACIFIC Brochure BrochureThis brochure was produced as part of the PACIFIC project with guidelines based on research undertaken by the ESRI. 17/01/2022 00:00:00
Briefing Note No. 5 - Supporting Geoscience Research in Ireland Note No. 5 - Supporting Geoscience Research in IrelandGeological Survey Ireland’s Research Programme supports the growing needs of policy makers and practitioners, commercial entities, and the geoscience community.07/12/2021 00:00:00
Briefing Note No4 Coastal Change Note No4 Coastal ChangeGeoscience Information on Coastal Change.02/12/2021 00:00:00
Gort Lowlands Groundwater Flood Modelling Report Lowlands Groundwater Flood Modelling ReportThis report details the results of research into the South Galway karst network. The work was funded by Geological Survey Ireland, with additional support from Galway County Council and the Office of Public Works, and was carried out by Trinity College Dublin in collaboration with GSI as part of the 2016-2019 GWFlood project. 18/02/2021 00:00:00
Application of airborne radiometric surveys for large-scale geogenic radon potential classification of airborne radiometric surveys for large-scale geogenic radon potential classificationIndoor radon represents an important health issue to the general population. Therefore, accurate radon risk maps help public authorities to prioritise areas where mitigation actions should be implemented. As the main source of indoor radon is the soil where the building is constructed, maps derived from geogenic factors.22/09/2020 23:00:00
GWFlood Project: Monitoring, Modelling and Mapping Karst Groundwater Flooding in Ireland Project: Monitoring, Modelling and Mapping Karst Groundwater Flooding in IrelandGSI in collaboration with TCD initially and later with ITC developed a monitoring, mapping and modelling programme to address the knowledge gap regarding karst groundwater systems.This report describes the implementation of a turlough monitoring network and the methodology used to produce the historic and predictive groundwater flood maps.02/07/2020 23:00:00