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The Geological Heritage of County Cork Geological Heritage of County CorkThe audit of County Geological Sites in County Cork was completed in 2023. The audit was carried out by Ronan Hennessy, Robert Meehan, Vincent Gallagher and Clare Glanville. The Cork Geological Heritage Project was supported by Geological Survey Ireland, Cork County Council and The Heritage Council.08/05/2024 23:00:00
New release of nationwide geotechnical Products release of nationwide geotechnical ProductsThis data is a product from the National Geotechnical Borehole Database, Geological Mapping sampling and TII site investigation data. Each report has been checked and the test were extracted and saved in individual files. The data can be downloaded from here 23:00:00
New Article in Coastal Erosion from Space Article in Coastal Erosion from Space Xavier Monteys from the Marine and Coastal Unit in Geological Survey Ireland and Yeray Castillo, a Geological Survey Ireland funded PHd candidate of Maynooth University are part of the ESA Coastal Erosion project, and have been working on a paper regarding ESA project application and their study site of Bull Island, Co. Dublin. 15/04/2024 23:00:00
New paper in journal Sustainability’s-Sustainable-Urban-Future.aspxNew paper in journal SustainabilitySophie O'Connor has contributed with the Urban Geology Expert Group (UGEG) from the EGS in the paper "Geoscience for Cities: Delivering Europe’s Sustainable Urban Future" 22/03/2024 00:00:00
New article in Journal of Environmental Psychology article in Journal of Environmental PsychologyPrimacy effects in the formation of environmental attitudes: The case of mineral exploration 24/01/2024 00:00:00
Comparison of Tellus Shallow and Deeper Topsoil Geochemistry of Tellus Shallow and Deeper Topsoil GeochemistryInvestigating the comparison between inorganic geochemical data for shallow ‘A’ and deeper ‘S’ topsoil samples collected as part of the Tellus programme from across Ireland.12/07/2022 23:00:00
The Geological Heritage of Cork City Geological Heritage of Cork CityThe audit of County Geological Sites in Cork City was completed in 2022. The audit was carried out by Erin Leahy, Clare Glanville and Brian McConnell. The Cork Geological Heritage Project was supported by Geological Survey Ireland.14/06/2022 23:00:00
The Geological Heritage of County Limerick Geological Heritage of County LimerickThe audit of County Geological Sites in County Limerick was completed in 2021. The audit was carried out by Robert Meehan, Vincent Gallagher, Ronan Hennessy and Clare Glanville. The Limerick Geological Heritage Project was supported by Geological Survey Ireland, Limerick County Council and The Heritage Council.14/06/2022 23:00:00
Geochemical characterization of the Dublin Boulder Clay characterization of the Dublin Boulder ClayGeological Survey Ireland has completed a geochemical characterization of the subsoil beneath large parts of Dublin, known colloquially as the Dublin Boulder Clay02/06/2022 23:00:00
Investigating the relationship between Tellus topsoil geochemical and airborne radiometric measurements of potassium, uranium and thorium,-urani.aspxInvestigating the relationship between Tellus topsoil geochemical and airborne radiometric measurements of potassium, uranium and thoriumThis dissertation investigates the relationship between Tellus topsoil geochemical and airborne radiometric measurements 28/04/2022 23:00:00