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GSI Newsletter Issue 6 Spring 2007

GSI Newsletter Issue 6 Spring 2007

  • ​Director's discourse: A strategy for the Geoscience sector
  • Open Access to GSI Digital Data
  • A geological synopsis of County Kerry
  • Groundwater Protection Scheme Programme
  • Groundwater contribution to the Water Framework Directive
  • New Irish Water Tracing Database
  • The Cunningham & Du Noyer Photo Awards 2006
  • Geophysical investigation of Quaternary glacial sediments in South Co. Westmeath and North Co. Offaly
  • Launch of National Geoscience Programme (2007-2013) and new research awards scheme
  • INFOMAR project update
  • 2008 International Year of Planet Earth
  • New Products available from the GSI
  • Some preliminary observations from the pilot airborne surveys conducted in 2006
  • Society of Geology applied to ore deposits
  • Rock bits

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