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Geothermal Energy Summit 2022 - 9 November 2022 Energy Summit 2022 - 9 November 2022Geological Survey Ireland, in collaboration with TU Dublin, is hosting the first national geothermal energy summit this Wednesday 9 November 2022.09/11/2022 00:00:00
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Geological Survey Ireland at iGEO Early Career Research Symposium 2022 - 10 June 2022 Survey Ireland at iGEO Early Career Research Symposium 2022 - 10 June 2022Geological Survey Ireland was delighted to attend iGEO 2022 on Friday, 10 June, and meet the geoscientists of the future. Congratulations to the organising committee for a very successful conference.09/06/2022 23:00:00
Launch of our educational resources of our educational resourcesGeological Survey Ireland is proud to announce the launch of our educational resources. These include resources for both Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate level. The resources have been jointly developed with iCRAG. 26/04/2022 23:00:00