The Geological Heritage of County Cork | | | The Geological Heritage of County Cork | The audit of County Geological Sites in County Cork was completed in 2023. The audit was carried out by Ronan Hennessy, Robert Meehan, Vincent Gallagher and Clare Glanville. The Cork Geological Heritage Project was supported by Geological Survey Ireland, Cork County Council and The Heritage Council. | 2024-05-08T23:00:00Z | | | |
New release of nationwide geotechnical Products | | | New release of nationwide geotechnical Products | This data is a product from the National Geotechnical Borehole Database, Geological Mapping sampling and TII site investigation data. Each report has been checked and the test were extracted and saved in individual files.
The data can be downloaded from here | 2024-04-21T23:00:00Z | | | |
New Article in Coastal Erosion from Space | | | New Article in Coastal Erosion from Space |
Xavier Monteys from the Marine and Coastal Unit in Geological Survey Ireland and Yeray Castillo, a Geological Survey Ireland funded PHd candidate of Maynooth University are part of the ESA Coastal Erosion project, and have been working on a paper regarding ESA project application and their study site of Bull Island, Co. Dublin. | 2024-04-15T23:00:00Z | | | |
Geoscience for Leaving Certificate Geography CPD Programme Resource Booklet | | | Geoscience for Leaving Certificate Geography CPD Programme Resource Booklet | Geological Survey Ireland and iCRAG and proud to announce the launch of the Geoscience for Leaving Certificate Geography CPD Programme Resource Booklet. | 2022-04-26T23:00:00Z | | | |
Briefing Note No. 5 - Supporting Geoscience Research in Ireland | | | Briefing Note No. 5 - Supporting Geoscience Research in Ireland | Geological Survey Ireland’s Research Programme supports the growing needs of policy makers and practitioners, commercial entities, and the geoscience community. | 2021-12-07T00:00:00Z | | | |
Briefing Note No4 Coastal Change | | | Briefing Note No4 Coastal Change | Geoscience Information on Coastal Change. | 2021-12-02T00:00:00Z | | | |
Climate Research Coordination Group 2019 Annual Report | | | Climate Research Coordination Group 2019 Annual Report | Geological Survey Ireland fund external research activities and undertake research through our programmes. The 2019 Annual Report of the national Climate Research Coordination Group summarises all research activities in the climate area from GSI and other funding organisations. | 2020-06-28T23:00:00Z | | | |
RMS Lusitania: The Story of a Wreck | | | RMS Lusitania: The Story of a Wreck | This book provides a fresh approach to the RMS Lusitania story by drawing on new research, a multitude of available sources and state-of-the-art 3D multibeam imagery of the wreck and it documents the 2015 commemorative events marking the centenary of the loss of this once great liner. | 2019-11-17T00:00:00Z | | | |
A comparison of Landsat 8, RapidEye and Pleiades products for improving empirical predictions of satellite-derived bathymetry | |,-RapidEye-and-Pleiades-products-for-improving-empirical-predictions-of-satellite-derived-bathymet.aspx | A comparison of Landsat 8, RapidEye and Pleiades products for improving empirical predictions of satellite-derived bathymetry | Satellite Derived Bathymetry key to mapping shallow waters efficiently
Accuracy limited by sensor/environment but spatial component under-utilised.
Multiple platforms assessed for comparison of resolution types.
Turbidity and seabed type assessed as predictors of bathymetry
Spatial models constrain prediction errors as water depth incre | 2019-09-12T23:00:00Z | | | |
Dublin City Geo-Environmental Challenges as addressed by Geological Survey Ireland, Urban Environmental Challenges | | | Dublin City Geo-Environmental Challenges as addressed by Geological Survey Ireland, Urban Environmental Challenges | This paper and presentation were compiled for the City Futures IV Conference, held in UCD, Dublin 20-22 June 2019 | 2019-07-10T23:00:00Z | | | |