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Government Economic Sectors Reports includes Natural Resources

Government Economic Sectors Reports includes Natural Resources


On 22 August, the Government published its "Focus on Sectors" series of reports which present concise overviews of 16 key sectors of the economy, encompassing both exporting and locally trading activities; the reports further outlines some initial indications of the impact of COVID-19 on these sectors. 

The 'Focus on Energy, Sustainability & Natural Resourcespublication encompasses activity relating to environmental and natural-resource use, management and protection. Geoscience is highlighted as a sector which provides knowledge and understanding of earth systems, including potential future resources and the adaptations needed to support sustainable development. Climate action is well-covered in the publication.

Geoscience Ireland (GI) is pleased to have worked with Geological Survey Ireland and the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment in contributing to this Report. The 41 companies comprising the GI business cluster have expertise in several areas addressed in this publication including metals and mining, and renewable energy development.