The Tellus geochemistry programme, part of Geological Survey Ireland’s flagship project to sample and measure the geochemical characteristics of the shallow subsurface across Ireland, has been underway since 2011. Its aim is to produce spatial data to determine a surficial geochemical baseline of shallow and deeper topsoil, stream sediment and stream water sample media in predominantly rural Ireland. Work began in the border region to complement the Tellus project of Northern Ireland, completed in 2008, and surveying has systematically extended in a southerly direction since.
Deeper topsoil data is now available for the "G5" survey area which was surveyed in 2017-2019. The "G5" survey area covers the north midlands of Ireland and its completion means that 50 % of the country has now been covered. The data release for the G5 survey area comprises 4278 sample sites at a typical density of one sample per four square kilometres (4 km2).
Samples were routinely analysed by several methods:
- Soil loss-on-ignition at 450°C.
- Soil pH by CaCl2 slurry.
- Multi-element analyses for a range of major, minor and trace elements by ICP following aqua regia digestion (“ICPar”).
The new data can be found here.
To view the report click here.
To view the map booklet click here.