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On the Shoulders of Giants

On the Shoulders of Giants

On the Shoulders of Giants
21/04/2018 09:30
21/04/2018 17:00
The Hunt Museum, Limerick
The Hunt Museum, Limerick
​​​​The Hunt Mus​​eum, The Custom House, Rutland Street, Limerick, Co Limerick​
How to attend:

The Irish Quaternary Association (IQUA) will host a series of retrospective talks in the Hunt Museum, Limerick on Saturday 21st April to celebrate key Quaternary scientists as part of their annual Spring Meeting.  Starting at 9.30am, influential pioneers of the nineteenth and twentieth-century like Robert Lloyd Praeger and Valerie Hall known for their spear-heading work investigating how the Irish landscape was shaped, and the challenges they faced will be explored.  In the footsteps of these Quaternary heroes, Eoin McCraith from the Geological Survey Ireland will be giving a short talk on Irish Submerged Landscapes. For more information see

The programme can be found here​​.