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Launch of Geological Service for Europe Website

Launch of Geological Service for Europe Website


Under the five-year Coordination and Support Action, The GSEU Project will develop a plan for a sustainable Geological Service for Europe as a permanent collaborative network of European geological surveys. GSEU will serve European society and support sound policies on water, energy, raw materials, hazards and all other areas requiring subsurface data and expertise. GSEU will contribute to environmental sustainability and social prosperity in Europe through this service, supported by a powerful and comprehensive digital infrastructure.

The overall objectives of GSEU are to develop pan-European harmonised data and information services across Europe with a focus on critical raw materials, geothermal energy resources and subsurface storage capacities for sustainable energy carriers and CO2 sequestration, groundwater dynamics and quality, geological and climate change information for coastal vulnerability assessment and geological baseline information.

The subsurface field touches the experiences of every European citizen and the stakeholder community of the GSEU project is diverse and broad at European, national and regional levels. There will be different types of continuous stakeholder engagement ranging from social media for online communication, online consultations, face-to-face workshops, round table discussions and conferences. A comprehensive information and communication campaign will be carried out throughout the project.

You can read the full press release HERE
Or download the Press Release HERE. 

For more information, visit:

Contact person:
Tracey Dancy