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What's new in January 2024 in Irish Geoparks?

What's new in January 2024 in Irish Geoparks?


Eamon Doyle (Geopark geologist) from the Burren and Cliffs of Moher UGGp in collaboration with Dr. Joe Botting and Dr. Lucy Muir, world leading experts on fossil sponges have now described a new species of fossil sponge, Cyathophycus balori found by the Geopark geologist. These finds were published in the international journal Geobios: Botting, Muir and Doyle 2023 ‘An oversized, late-surviving reticulosan sponge from the Carboniferous of Ireland’. Geobios 2023. find out more on thier website here.

Cuilcagh Lakelands UGGp Join Geopark Guide Aidan for a boat trip to the historic St Mogues Island to learn of the ancient traditions, History and folklore of this beautiful island on 04 February 2024 12:00-15:00. This is suitable for all (Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult). Or, see the glorious sights of the night sky at one of the darkest sky sites in Ireland.  Join well-known amateur astronomer Terry Moseley, of the Irish Astronomical Association on another Dark Sky Safari in the pristine dark skies of Cavan Burren Park (16 February 2024 19:30-21:00). Learn how to take part on the Big Star Count and how to record the stars you can see.   A presentation on the universe will be delivered in the event of cloudy skies. Suitable for over 12’s children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult For more information on these and events, please visit their website here.

The Copper Coast UGGp has been working on their ‘Virtual Reality Tours’ and have developed a virtual reality tour of the Copper Coast Geopark Geosites. The Geopark are also collaborating with Waterford County Council and their consultants providing support for route interpretation and geoheritage themes for a ‘Coastal Walk Trail’ which is in development. find out more about thier activities on their website here.

Joyce Country and Western Lakes Aspiring Geopark the Mám Éan Geotrail was launched in January 2024 including a presentation and guided walk along the trail. An animated video on the karst landscape is available on the Geopark website and also on youtube. This video was launched as part of Heritage Week in August 2023. An Astronomy Week event is planned for March (Fri 15th, venue tbc). Read more in their newsletter on their website.