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Down to Earth: Exploring Ireland's Geology Exhibition Set to Close on November 5, 2023

Down to Earth: Exploring Ireland's Geology Exhibition Set to Close on November 5, 2023


The National Museum of Ireland and Geological Survey Ireland have been showcasing the exhibition, "Down to Earth: Exploring Ireland's Geology," since its official opening by Minister Eamon Ryan TD on September 27, 2021. Designed to celebrate the 175-year anniversary of Geological Survey Ireland, the exhibition has been educating and entertaining visitors, from school tours to casual passers-by and is set to close its doors on November 5, 2023.

The exhibition invites audiences to delve into Ireland's rich geological history, discover the relevance of geology in everyday life, and learn about the vital role rocks and minerals play in our interaction with the world while also highlighting the effects of climate change on our planet.

Notable features of the exhibition include:

  • A large floor geological map of Ireland, showcasing rock samples from their respective regions
  • A life-sized model of a Geological Survey Ireland research vessel's deck with demonstrations of seabed mapping, shipwreck discoveries and a map of the true extent of Ireland's underwater territories  
  • Displays on geohazards, such as rising sea levels, intense storms, earthquakes, and water shortages
  • An in-depth look at Ireland's complicated karst landscapes and the role water plays in these environments

For those with an interest in geology, a geologist is available every Wednesday to answer any questions visitors may have. With the exhibition's closing date fast approaching, now is the perfect time to visit if you haven't already. Entry is free so don't miss the opportunity to explore Ireland's fascinating geological landscape at the Riding School in the National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks. More information is available here.

Image: The life-sized model of a Geological Survey Ireland research vessel

Image: The exhibition's centrepiece - a 6 by 8 metre bedrock map of Ireland