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Geoscience 2018

Dublin Castle, 06 November 2018



Geoscience2018 Koen Verbruggen Koen VerbruggenKoen Verbruggen (GSI Director) opening the Geoscience 2018 conference
Geoscience2018 Matt Collins Matt CollinsMatt Collins (Assistant Secretary, DCCAE) Natural Resources - Policy Challenges
Geoscience2018_challenge1 Eoin McGrath Eoin McGrath Eoin McGrath (GSI Minerals) GSI and the Raw Materials Challenge
Geoscience2018 challenge1 Aoife Braiden challenge1 Aoife BraidenAoife Braiden (GSI Research) Mineral Research and Public Perception
Geoscience2018 challenge1 Hannah Julienne challenge1 Hannah JulienneHannah Julienne (ESRI) Measuring Attitudes to Geoscience and Natural Resources
Geoscience2018 GSI updates Silvia Caloca GSI updates Silvia CalocaSilvia Caloca (GSI) National Bedrock Map
Geoscience2018 GSI updates Michael Sheehy GSI updates Michael SheehyMichael Sheehy (GSI) Physiographic Units Map
Geoscience2018 GSI updates Charise McKeon GSI updates Charise McKeonCharise McKeon (GSI) Landslides
Geoscience2018 GSI updates Ronan O'Toole GSI updates Ronan O'TooleRonan O'Toole (GSI) Marine Mapping
Geoscience2018 GSI udates Sarah Gatley GSI udates Sarah GatleySarah Gatley (GSI) Geoheritage
Geoscience2018 GSI updates Graínne OShea GSI updates Graínne OSheaGraínne O'Shea (GSI) National Geoscience Data Centre
Geoscience2018 GSI updates Siobhán Power GSI updates Siobhán PowerSiobhán Power (GSI) Communications
Geoscience2018 challenge2 Monica Lee challenge2 Monica LeeMonica Lee (GSI Groundwater) Collaborative approach to meeting drinking water challenges
Geoscience2018 challenge2 Angela Ryan challenge2 Angela RyanAngela Ryan (Irish Water) Water Resources Plan
Geoscience2018 challenge2 Groundwater Quality and Quantity Panel challenge2 Groundwater Quality and Quantity PanelPanel with Ted McCormack (GSI), Angela Ryan (Irish Water), Monica Lee (GSI), Catherine Buckley (IGI)
Geoscience2018_posters session at Geoscience 2018
Geoscience2018 challenge3 Dermott Duff challenge3 Dermott DuffDermott Duff (IMI/TCD) Geoscience Ireland Strategic Review 2018-2020
Geoscience2018 challenge3 Andrew Gaynor challenge3 Andrew GaynorAndrew Gaynor (Geoscience Ireland) GI Highlights and EU SME Collaboration
Geoscience2018 challenge4 Sarah Blake challenge4 Sarah BlakeSarah Blake (GSI/GDG/iCRAG) Irish Geothermal Energy Initiatives
Geoscience2018 challenge4 Xavier Monteys challenge4 Xavier MonteysXavier Monteys (GSI Marine) Coastal and Climate Change Mapping Initiative
Geoscience2018 challenge5 Jim Hodgson challenge5 Jim HodgsonJim Hodgson (GSI Tellus) Meeting the Tellus Challenges
Geoscience2018 challenge5 Karen Daly challenge5 Karen DalyKaren Daly (Teagasc) Using Geoscience to improve on-farm decision support
Geoscience2018 attendance attendanceAttendance in Dublin Castle
Geoscience2018 the scene at Dublin Castle