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Chicxulub: anatomy of a lethal crater by Professor Philippe Claeys (Free University of Brussels)

Chicxulub: anatomy of a lethal crater by Professor Philippe Claeys (Free University of Brussels)

TCD John Joly Memorial Lecture 2018
07/02/2018 18:00
07/02/2018 19:00
Trinity College Dublin, Schrodinger Theatre, School of Physics, Dublin 2
Trinity College Dublin

See map below

How to attend:

This year the Joly Lecturer is Professor Philippe Claeys, who heads the Analytical, Environmental, & Geo-Chemistry interdisciplinary research unit at the Free University of Brussels.  Professor Claeys is a geologist, planetary scientist and geochemist interested in documenting the consequences of asteroid and comet impacts on the evolution of the biogeosphere. When he is not travelling the world looking for clues to better understand 4.5 billion years of evolution of planet Earth, he enjoys working in the lab with PhD students and postdocs on projects ranging from astrobiology to geoarcheology. More details of his research can be found on his webpage:

He will present his John Joly Memorial Lecture 2018 on "Chicxulub: Anatomy of a lethal crater" on Wednesday 7th February, 6.00 pm, in the Schrodinger Lecture Theatre, Fitzgerald Building, Physics Building.

To be followed by light refreshments in the Fitzgerald Library.