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Stones, Slabs and Seascapes: George Victor du Noyer's Images of Ireland

Stones, Slabs and Seascapes: George Victor du Noyer's Images of Ireland

Stones, Slabs and Seascapes: George Victor du Noyer's Images of Ireland
17/11/2017 10:00
24/02/2018 00:00
Crawford Art Gallery, Emmet Place, Cork
Crawford Art Gallery, Cork

Crawford Art Gallery, Emmet Place, Cork.

How to attend:

​Geological Survey Ireland is pleased to be associated with the upcoming exhibition of the work of George Victor Du Noyer (1817 – 1869) entitled Stones, Slabs and Seascapes: George Victor Du Noyer's Images of Ireland at the Crawford Art Gallery, Cork.  Du Noyer worked at the Geological Survey Ireland from 1847 until his death in early 1869. His observational skills, attention to detail, and acquired scientific knowledge meant that he became a well-respected geologist and was responsible for the early geological surveying of sections of Ireland.  His work for government agencies including the Geological Survey, Ordnance Survey and the Botanical Gardens is both beautiful and scientifically accurate and we are delighted that his landscapes depicting geological features and details from his field sheets and notebooks make up a large portion of this exhibition.  The exhibition will run from November 17th, 2017, to February 24th, 2018, before transferring to the National Museum of Ireland. 

Crawford Art Gallery website

Launch news item and book

Evening Talk on the 7th December 2017

Online story map showcasing George Victor Du Noyer's illustrations