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IMQS Introduction to Mining Course

IMQS Introduction to Mining Course

IMQS Introduction to Mining Course
25/05/2023 10:00
25/05/2023 13:00
Geological Survey Ireland, Booterstown, Co. Dublin
Geological Survey Ireland

Details on how to purchase the course can be found HERE.

How to attend:

Brendan Morris, a mining Engineer with over 40 years experience will present an Introduction to Mining.

The course is delivered over three hours and will provide a general overview of mining.

The course is appropriate for people who are:
  • New to the industry
  • Employed in roles that require a basic knowledge of mining
  • Regulators
  • Local government with an ‘interest’ in mining
The course outline:
  • General Introduction to Mining
  • The Mining Life Cycle -Exploration to Closure
  • Mining Methods
  • Development & Production Mining
  • Mine Equipment and Infrastructure
  • Mineral Processing
Geoscience Ireland will also hold a short talk on minerals and mining data.

Cost: €50 per person

Geological Survey Ireland
Dept. of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Block 1, Booterstown Hall
Co Dublin, A94 N2R6