On Tuesday 20th November, the IAH TDM will be given by two speakers as follows:
Pete Rodgers (Associate Director, RSK):
Article 27 of the European Communities (Waste Directive) Regulations, 2011: issues, implications, solutions
Pete Rodgers is an Environmental Consultant with over a decade of international experience working in Ireland, UK, Australia and New Zealand. He specialises in the assessment and remediation of contaminated soil and groundwater across a broad client base which includes property developers, solicitors, property agents, financial institutes, architects, engineers, planners and government departments.
He has extensive experience completing due diligence assessments for environmental risk and liability during property transactions for both acquisition and disposal. He has an in depth understanding of the transaction process and the inherent commercial sensitivity required. He also undertakes due diligence assessments for the environmental risk and liability associated with the acquisition of asset portfolios during the M&A process.
He has designed and supervised site investigation and remediation action plans for a range of residential, commercial and industrial sites.
Kevin Motherway (EPA Wates and Financial Provision Team):
Soil & Stone waste prevention and update on work in progress on acceptance criteria.
Kevin Motherway is an Inspector in the Waste and Financial Provision Team of the EPA's Office of Environmental Enforcement.
Kevin's primary duties include the supervision of Dumping at Sea Permit enforcement, General Waste enforcement and assessment and approval of Financial Provisions (insurance/bonds/etc.) to manage Environmental Liabilities. He is currently drafting Guidelines on Waste Acceptance Criteria for Soil Recovery Facilities.
His previous roles included Project Manager for the Kerdiffstown Landfill Remediation Project (seconded to Kildare Co Co), where he was tasked with assisting in outline design of a sustainable remediation solution and preparation of Planning and EPA licence applications for the remediation of the Kerdiffstown Landfill. Prior to that, he was a Team Leader in the EPA's Environmental Liability Unit. The Unit had responsibility for Environmental Liability Directive, Environmental Liability Risk Assessment and Contaminated Land & Groundwater management. Kevin also had a key role in advising on groundwater issues to colleagues across the EPA, including on licensing issues.
Time: 5:30-6:00 pm Teas and Coffees, 6:00-7:00 pm TDM presentation, 7:00-7:30 pm Refreshments and set up for AGM.