Geoscience and Climate Change - Join us for a conversation with three of our Geological Survey Ireland researchers, Dr Sarah Blake, Eoin McGrath and Katie Tedd.
The evening's dicsussion will focus on how geoscience research can help us to understand, and reduce, the impact of climate change on our natural systems.
Sarah will discuss how we can use geothermal energy in Ireland to help address our heating/cooling and electricity needs, Eoin will talk about how we best manage our mineral resources in the face of increasing demand including 'green' technologies, and Katie will look at how our groundwater systems might help reduce the impact of more frequent drought events in Ireland in the future.
The discussions will be based on questions submitted by members of the public and from schools so please send in your questions in advance via this online form before 5pm September 21st. We will also accept questions submit live on the night.
The event will be free and online, however you will need to register in advance
20 October 2021 update: the event was recorded and the videos are now available on Geological Survey Ireland YouTube channel here.