This year's GSI Researchers' Night, in collaboration with the Earth & Ocean Sciences department NUI Galway, will take place at the Ryan Institute in NUI Galway.
The events are free and open to all but booking via the eventbrite page for each part of the programme is essential.
Thursday 29th September - Ryan Institute, NUI, Galway
6pm: Reception & Book Launch: Geology of South Mayo - a field guide by John Graham (Trinity College Dublin), published by Geological Survey Ireland.
7pm: Three short public talks on marine and coastal geoscience research
- Niamh Cahill, Maynooth University: Predicting Sea-levels and Sea-Level Extremes for Ireland
- Stephen Nash, NUI Galway: Monitoring and Modelling of Shoreline Change in Brandon Bay
- Rachel Healy, University College Dublin: Reconstructing Ecosystem Change in Galway Bay: Investigating Ecological Health of Shallow Marine Ecosystems Through Time
Friday 30th September - South Mayo Fieldtrip
This field trip will visit key sites in the Joyce Country and Western Lakes aspiring geopark that feature in the guide book. Places are limited and advance booking is required.
Transport will not be provided, car pooling is advised. Further details will be provided to registrants in advance.