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2023 Geothermal Webinar Series: Research into the Geothermal Energy Sector in Northern Ireland

2023 Geothermal Webinar Series: Research into the Geothermal Energy Sector in Northern Ireland

BGS Webinar April 19
19/04/2023 16:00
19/04/2023 17:00
How to attend:

​ARUP and the British Geological Survey (BGS) were commissioned by the Department for the Economy (DfE) to undertake research to understand the current geothermal energy sector in Northern Ireland (NI).

The webinar "Research into the Geothermal Energy Sector in Northern Ireland" will present highlights from this work, including suggestions for changes to policy and regulation which may unlock Northern Ireland’s geothermal resource in the future.

The speakers for the event are:
Dr. Corinna Abesser, head of Geothermal Energy, British Geological Survey and 
Melanie Thrush, principal Geoenvironmental Engineer, ARUP

This is the fourth webinar in our 2023 Geothermal Webinar Series.

You can access the previous talks form this excellent webinar series, as well as previous years', via the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland's (GSNI) YouTube channel HERE.