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Why do we study geology?

Why do we study geology?

​​​​​​​​​Like all forms of science, we study geology to make new discoveries and learn more about the world around us. Geology looks at some of the most important issues in society today including energy sources and sustainability, climate change, the impacts of developments on the environment, water management, mineral resources and natural hazards.

By studying these issues, geologists, along with other scientists, can anticipate earth's future and examine any changes that may need to be made. A key example of this is the study of climate change and how society needs to change to improve the earth's future. By switching from fossils fuels to geothermal energy and other renewable sources, we can reduce our carbon emissions and the effects of global warming.

Understanding the mechanical properties of soils help us evaluate risks for landslides and identifying zones that are prone to risks. Studying the movement of groundwater underneath our feet supports drinking water protection from pollution.

Our hope is to develop new teaching resources in the coming years which are suitable for the Irish Teaching Curriculum.  ​Our book 'Understanding Earth Processes, Rocks and the Geological History of Ireland' (see resources table below) is suitable for Junior and Leaving Certificate levels and it is still available, along with its CD of teaching resources. Geological Survey Ireland is part of Earth Science Ireland and is in the process of adapting the Primary Level resources produced by Earth Science Ireland for the Northern Ireland Curriculum.  The Northern Ireland resources are available in the links below.


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Teachers resourcesEarth Science Ireland Primary teaching resources
Earth Science Teachers Association resources​
More informationEarth Science Ireland magazine​
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Related publication/sUnderstanding Earth Processes, Rocks and the Geological History of Ireland